Bryan and I had another ultrasound done yesterday.  Apparently there is a larger than average amount of fluid in with the baby, and so they want to monitor it and make sure it stays stable and doesn’t increase.  The amount of fluid is within the normal range, but it’s on the higher end of normal.  It doesn’t pose any risks to the baby while she’s in there, so there’s no need for induction or anything like that.

I’m not really near a “risky” or highly concerning level, just something to monitor.  It doesn’t indicate any problems or anything at this level, apparently it’s just one of those things that happens sometimes.

Anyway, getting this ultrasound was pretty amazing because the ultrasound technician got some great close-ups of Madison’s face!  It’s still hard to tell much since she’s kind of squished looking, and her arm and other stuff kind of got in the way of her face, but still pretty amazing to see her so clearly at this point!

So who do you think she looks like?!

Baby Madison

Baby Bryan

Baby Madison

Baby Stefani





Baby Stefani